Mushroom benefits and nutrition

All types of edible mushrooms contain varying of protein and fibre. They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues.

Achieving Weight Loss: Mushrooms have a lot of nutritional value with few calories and little fat. They also contain two types of dietary fibers, beta-glucans and chitin, which increase satiety and reduce appetite.

Rich in Vitamine D: White button mushrooms are one of the few non-animal sources of vitamin D.

Mushrooms are high in antioxidants, Antioxidants are chemicals that get rid of free radicals, a type of chemical that can harm a person's body cells, potentially leading to cancer

Heart health: The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in mushrooms all contribute to cardiovascular health.

Regulate Blood Pressure: Consuming mushrooms, which are high in potassium and low in sodium, helps to lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Nutritional in mushrooms 
One cup of chopped or sliced raw white mushrooms contains:

  1. 15 calories
  2. 0 grams of fat
  3. 2.2 grams of protein
  4. 2.3 grams of carbohydrate,
  5. including 0.7 grams of fiber and 1.4 grams of sugar

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