Stink smell at the fridge ..? These 6 best ideas can help ..!

The Stink smell at the fridge ..?  These 6 best ideas can help ..!

If stink smell from the fridge use the following tips to remove the stink smell.

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Tip# 1:

baking powder

Fill a bowl of baking powder and put it in the fridge. There will be no stink if opened after two hours.

Tip# 2:


Fill a bowl of vinegar and put it in the fridge. There will be no stink if opened after few hours.

Tip# 3:


Fill a bowl of oats put it in the fridge. Oats also remove the stink smell from the fridge

Tip# 4: 


Slice the lemons into the fridge. There will be no stink smell, if opened after two hours.

Tip# 5:

fragrance oil

Pour fragrance oil it into the bowl and put it in the fridge, There will be no stink smell, if opened after two hours.

Tip# 6:

coffee powder

Fill a bowl of coffee powder and put it in the fridge. There will be no stink if opened after two hours.



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